Rice and Cold Water

Rice Cooker
Wash desired amount of rice in cold water. (Cooking ratio - 1 cup of rice: 1 cup water)
Place the rice in the rice cooker and add the same amount of water as the rice.
Turn on the rice cooker and let the rice cook.
When rice cooker switches to "keep warm', let it stand for approx. 15 minutes before serving.
Boil Out
Wash 2 cups of rice in cold water and place in a saucepan.
Add 8 cups of cold water and bring to boil. Stir occasionally.
Reduce heat and boil gently uncovered for 15 minutes. Check for preferred tenderness.
Remove from heat and drain excess water (Wash rice in cold water if preferred).
Heat rice for another 5mins on low heat before serving
All times given in these cooking methods are simply guidelines. The degree of rice tenderness is a personal choice. Check at minimum time and cook to taste.